
aiXcoder is an AI-powered coding assistant that helps you write code faster and smarter. It uses a large-scale neural network trained on billions of lines of code to generate suggestions based on your context and natural language descriptions. You can use aiXcoder in various IDEs, such as IntelliJ IDEA, CLion, GoLand, PyCharm, WebStorm, Visual Studio Code, and Eclipse. aiXcoder is a product of aiXcoder Inc., a company that aims to revolutionize software development with AI

  • It can generate code suggestions based on natural language descriptions or comments, saving time and effort.
  • It can help you write code in various languages and frameworks, such as Java, Python, C#, C/C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, and more.
  • It can assist you with database query generation, pattern matching, testing, debugging, and documentation.
  • It can help you learn new coding skills, explore new technologies, and discover best practices.
  • It can help with technical interviews, code reviews, and code refactoring.
  • It can understand other languages beyond English and translate them into code.
  • It can create creative content such as poems, stories, songs, and jokes using code.
  • It can filter out offensive language and avoid sensitive contexts.


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