
Optimole is a tool that optimizes and delivers images for WordPress websites. It reduces the image size, adapts the image to the device screen, and serves the image from a fast CDN. Optimole can help you improve your site speed and performance.
You can sign up for free and test it on your website.

  • It supports multiple file types, such as images, videos, audio, and documents. You can optimize any kind of media content on your website with Optimole.
  • It is fully automated, meaning it optimizes images on the fly without any manual intervention. You don’t have to worry about resizing, compressing, or cropping your images.
  • It uses machine learning to compress images without losing quality. It can also apply filters and adjustments to enhance the appearance of your images.
  • It resizes images according to the device screen and browser window. It ensures that your images are always displayed at the optimal size and resolution for your visitors.
  • It serves images from a global content delivery network (CDN). It reduces the loading time and bandwidth consumption of your images by delivering them from the nearest server to your users.
  • It enables lazy loading and adaptive images. It only loads the images that are visible on the screen and adapts them to the user’s preferences and network conditions.
  • It supports popular page builders like Elementor. You can easily integrate Optimole with your favourite WordPress plugins and themes.
  • It provides tracking and monitoring features. You can view optimization stats, image usage, and performance reports on your dashboard.


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